Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yesterday was a snow day, so I made cupcakes, just because. After supper each baby got one, just because. It brought smiles out all around...

Rylan power ate his. Double fisting, it didn't last long enough for me to get the camera out!

It's hard to see, but Brileigh's right hand is full of frosting. Saving it for later...

Brett had a lot of fun eating his cupcake and cried when I cleaned him up.

They were transferred from their high chairs to the bathtub last night, needless to say.


  1. Oh what a beautiful baby!!! So precious, mine are both grown up..BooHoo! Thanks so much hon for your comment on my blog regarding my cat Miley eating my yogurt! Must say it keeps Miley regular too! LOL! You look like a very beautiful person inside and out. Hope you will stop by my blog again soon ......enjoy that precious baby and your furry freinds too! Blessings, Carmen

  2. Oh dear, are they triplets?? They are all 3 soooo adorable!! I was just reading some more on your blog. lovely pics and you are so creative, where do you find time to do anything at all?? Those show pics are gorgeous! Sure wish we could have some of your snow and I am sure you would love to send it this way. God Bless.. take care and hope you get a good night's sleep soon! What a busy lady you are!! LOL! Blessings, Carmen B.

  3. Hi Heather!
    I love reading your blog!I especially love reading the stories about your babies. I have a 15 month old so I can relate to a lot of your baby stories! Your little one's are simply adorable! I am sure they keep you busy.
    Hope you keep finding the time to blog! I enjoy it!
    Have a wondeful day-

  4. Thanks ladies! We have a busy house hold, but the kids are soo much fun! I'm so glad that they nap at the same time so I'm able to escape to "My" room and craft. That's what keeps my sanity!
