Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Birthday Post

So on Thanksgiving day this year, the kiddo's turned 2! 
We went to my mom's for the holiday since my brother was back. It's kind of nice since the kids are young and don't really care, to lump the festivities into one day. I'm sure in a couple of years, they are going to want their own day!

They did amazingly well the whole day. They were so busy they didn't have a nap. They were excited to play with their cousins and get new toys.

 Here are the 2 year olds! Rylan, Brileigh & Brett

They really enjoyed their cake!

 I made hats for them. We really didn't have a lot of success keeping them on though!

Here is Rylan playing in one of the 3 tents they got for their birthday!

And last the cake! Thank you pinterest for the idea!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's been awhile...

So we have had such a busy October so far. And on top of that we had Bronchiolitis a couple of weeks ago. So that really slowed us down. Me down anyway, the lack of sleep took a while to catch up on! But here is what we are up to right now:
What's that? Oh now you can see what they are all staring at! We borrowed our cousin's Cars movie and have had to watch it over and over. So today I treated them and put it on the big screen.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Husker Game Day

So a lot of you out there know what today is. There is a lot of hype about the game today. Nebraska's first Big 10 challenge. ESPN Game Day coverage is there, it will be on TV all day today. So we have pulled out our jerseys and cheer leading outfits for this special day.

My little huskers, Rylan, Brileigh & Brett


Brett is talking to his agent on the phone. Put me in coach!

Brett's serious game face:

This is what it you see when you are getting tackled by Rylan:

 Brileigh can't help but dance:

Rylan gets down like the football players:

Rylan's serious game face:

 Brileigh says I can get down in stance too!

No idea what kind of football move this is!?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What's New?

We have a new obsession in this house. Blocks! This is just a small selection of what we have. I found a huge bag of pink blocks for Brileigh at a garage sale for $3! They will sit for hours and play. Rylan especially loves to stack them as tall as he can get them and then carry them around. Brett however loves to knock them down.

We have had a bit of an issue lately with trying to crawl out of our cribs. They are great at climbing up, the getting down, not so much. There is a thud then a cryyyy. This mama is so not ready for toddler beds. The thought of them being able to get out and about any time they want. Yuck! They are so monkey see, monkey do, if one would get up the other two would follow. So I ordered crib tents.

Brileigh waited anxiously for the boxes to arrive. Doesn't she look so grown up with her hair back!

Once the boxes came she was ready to open them up and see what was inside.

Good thing the boxes weren't sealed very good, so she could dive right in.

Rylan checks in to see what new...

Oh boy instructions!

We had better read them them carefully!

Brett helps get everything out of the box.


And just like that! They are up and installed!

They have been a HUGE hit! As soon as I got them put on, the kids demanded to be put in their cribs so they could see what they are all about. They love them! It is nice to know they can't get out. After putting them on, one night Brett got up and needed a little back rubbing to fall back asleep. I unzipped the window just enough to get my hand in. When he was asleep I didn't dare zip it back up in case I would wake him. So that is one draw back. But overall they have been wonderful!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What have we been up to?

I think I have come to the realization that the terrible twos start when your children hit the 20 months! I don't know what it is about the word NO, but when I say it to one child because they are getting in to something, or being naughty, the other two come running and to the same thing! There is no way only one child can get in trouble in our house. They just wont have it! I've finally given up trying to keep them out of their dresser drawers. Today safety latches got installed:
We have been getting outside a little more, which really helps wear us out! Our town's festivals were a couple weekends ago. We made it to the parade in the morning and then back downtown for supper.
Daddy was cooking brisket and Brileigh thoroughly enjoyed herself. BBQ sauce all over!
 Can't you see how excited we were with the parade!
This last week we had our first summer colds. They usually only last a couple of days, but when I am up all night with kids, it seems like months! You can tell Brileigh is a little worse for wear in this picture!
I think we are about all healed up. The kids have been running around like crazy today, so all's back to normal!

Monday, August 22, 2011


Last week the kids, my parents and I headed to Arkansas on vacation. We have relation down there and decided it was time my mom's uncle got to meet the kids. We took off last Sunday morning and after a couple stops along the way (lunch, supper, winery...) we made it to Bella Vista by dark. I was so worried the kids would sleep the whole way and stay up all night, but thankfully that didn't happen. They actually slept the whole night! Monday we filled out day by visiting Uncle Carl and having lunch with him. After the kids nap we headed into Bentonville to the Walmart museum. We then checked out their awesome park/hike/bike trail Crystal Bridges. It was quite a challenge to get the kids picture, they were tied into a carseat or stroller so much that when they could run, they did!

Tuesday we stopped in to see Uncle Carl one more time before taking off for Silver Dollar City. We drove the scenic route through Eureka Springs. We couldn't get out and site see there. With no parking and lots of stairs, it's hard to get 3 kids around. We decided to set up camp in Branson for the night. After getting a hotel room, we left the boys there with my dad and the girls went shopping! Wednesday morning I got on my computer to find out what time Silver Dollar City opened, only to find out it was closed for the day. Seriously?! Well it's not like the kids were hyped up about it, so I guess we'll just have to have fun in Branson, aka shop some more! We headed downtown to the old part of town and then the river walk. In the afternoon we took off towards home, only to stop at every antique store on the way. I think we made it about 40 miles that whole day. My dad the trooper took care of the kids while mom and I shopped.

The look on Rylan's face seems to be saying, Mom if you and nana stop at ONE more antique store I'm going to scream!

Good thing we had lots of stuff to keep us busy in the car!

We played peek-a-boo a lot!

This restaurant in Branson had paper on the tables for coloring on. We really got the hang of coloring and pretty much expected crayons everywhere we ate!

Rylan fell asleep and missed out on a car ride. Brileigh wasn't really a fan, but Brett was NOT happy when the ride was over.

Thursday we pretty much hit the road the whole day. We got home exhausted about 10 that night. We had so much fun, I can only image what trips like this will be like the older they get!