It was a sad sad week in the Hall household. I have no idea where we got it, but the flu bug got us this week. On Friday I packed the kids up to head to Lincoln with my mom. About a half an hour into the drive Brett threw up all over himself. I pulled off at the next interstate exit and cleaned him up the best I could. When we got to my mom's store in York he seemed just fine, playing, giggling and such. I figured it was just a fluke. The rest of the weekend everyone was fine. Early Monday morning (1amish), Brileigh woke up coughing. She would cough and cry, cough and cry and wouldn't drink anything. So I took her into the spare room and laid down with her there. Then she threw up, all over both of us. I got us all cleaned up and changed, and she did it again. Once again we got all cleaned up and laid back down. When she started to throw up for the 3rd time I was ready with a bucket. The poor little girl literally passed out afterwards. She was soo tired. A couple hours later she woke up really thirsty, and that was it. She slept the rest of the night, woke up happy, had breakfast, lunch...
Monday was a good day, everyone in good spirits. My husband left for Kansas City for work. Tuesday rolls around and everyone is still doing great until about 4pm. I could tell Brett wasn't feeling the greatest. And then it started, Brett and me! We both started the throwing up the same time. I called J and told him and he asked if I wanted him to come home. Um no. He doesn't even change wet diapers. I can't imagine him cleaning up puke and poo! What good would it do to have him home. I was calling to make sure he stayed away. The last thing I needed was another sick person!
Brett and I camped out on the floor watching Mickey Mouse. Poor Guy!
I did feel like a terrible mother. I was so weak it was difficult to deal with the kids. Tuesday night Brett fell asleep early so I laid him in my bed. I put the other two in their cribs in the clothes they wore that day with their night bottles. In the middle of the night Brett got transferred to his crib because I was still so sick. I took me till 4 the next day to get anything down. The only good thing about it I suppose is that I had it the worst! Brett woke up Wed. morning feeling fine. Rylan never really got it. He threw up only once on Tuesday, almost as if he felt left out!
Wow, I didn't mean for this to be such a long post about being sick! We'll end on a good note. We are all better! Brett says I'll clap to that!

We're off to play!
Monday was a good day, everyone in good spirits. My husband left for Kansas City for work. Tuesday rolls around and everyone is still doing great until about 4pm. I could tell Brett wasn't feeling the greatest. And then it started, Brett and me! We both started the throwing up the same time. I called J and told him and he asked if I wanted him to come home. Um no. He doesn't even change wet diapers. I can't imagine him cleaning up puke and poo! What good would it do to have him home. I was calling to make sure he stayed away. The last thing I needed was another sick person!
Brett and I camped out on the floor watching Mickey Mouse. Poor Guy!

Wow, I didn't mean for this to be such a long post about being sick! We'll end on a good note. We are all better! Brett says I'll clap to that!