We have a new obsession in this house. Blocks! This is just a small selection of what we have. I found a huge bag of pink blocks for Brileigh at a garage sale for $3! They will sit for hours and play. Rylan especially loves to stack them as tall as he can get them and then carry them around. Brett however loves to knock them down.
We have had a bit of an issue lately with trying to crawl out of our cribs. They are great at climbing up, the getting down, not so much. There is a thud then a cryyyy. This mama is so not ready for toddler beds. The thought of them being able to get out and about any time they want. Yuck! They are so monkey see, monkey do, if one would get up the other two would follow. So I ordered crib tents.
Brileigh waited anxiously for the boxes to arrive. Doesn't she look so grown up with her hair back!
Once the boxes came she was ready to open them up and see what was inside.
Good thing the boxes weren't sealed very good, so she could dive right in.
Rylan checks in to see what new...
Oh boy instructions!
We had better read them them carefully!
Brett helps get everything out of the box.
And just like that! They are up and installed!
They have been a HUGE hit! As soon as I got them put on, the kids demanded to be put in their cribs so they could see what they are all about. They love them! It is nice to know they can't get out. After putting them on, one night Brett got up and needed a little back rubbing to fall back asleep. I unzipped the window just enough to get my hand in. When he was asleep I didn't dare zip it back up in case I would wake him. So that is one draw back. But overall they have been wonderful!